Social Justice resources:
Tennessee Students and Educators for Social Justice:
Freedom Education Project Puget Sound:
Inside-Out Center:
Alabama Justice Project:
Mississippi Center for Justice:
Job-market help and advice:
The latest job-market report from the MLA: 2014-2015 MLA Job Market Report
Sharon Marcus, "Scenes from the Life of a Graduate Advisor" (Sept. 11, 2015):
Karen Kelsky, "The Professor Is In: To Think, You First Must Eat" (August 11, 2015):
Kelsky's website:
Resources for Teaching Literature and Pedagogy:
Gerald Graff, Beyond the Culture Wars (1992)
Gerald Graff, Professing Literature: An Institutional History (1987)
Elaine Showalter, Teaching Literature (2002)
Sheridan Blau, Literature Workshop: Teaching Texts and Their Readers (2003)
Cristina Bruns, Why Literature? (2011)
Kathleen Blake Yancey, Teaching Literature as Reflective Practice (2004)
Toby Fulwiler and Art Young, eds. When Writing Teachers Teach Literature: Bringing Writing to Reading (1995)
Rita Felski, Uses of Literature (2008)
Rita Felski, Literature after Feminism (2003)
Lisa Zunshine, “Why Fiction Does It Best” (2012)
Lisa Zunshine, Introduction to Cognitive Cultural Studies (2010)
Mark Bracher, Literature and Social Justice (2013)
March Bracher, “Teaching for Social Justice: Re-educating the Emotions through Literary Study” (2006)
David Miall, Literary Reading: Empirical and Theoretical Studies (2006)
Sara Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion (2004)
Counternarratives: Cultural studies and Critical Pedagogies in Postmodern Spaces (1996), eds. Henry Giroux, Colin Lankshear, Peter McLaren, and Michael Peters
Laura Wilder, Rhetorical Strategies and Genre Conventions in Literary Studies: Teaching and Writing in the Disciplines (2012)
Robert Scholes, Textual Power (1985)
Michael Apple, Teachers and Texts (1987)
David Barton and Mary Hamilton, Situated Literacies- Reading and Writing in Context (1998)
Joshua Landy, How to Do Things with Fictions (2012)
Amy Devitt, “Integrating Rhetorical and Literary Theories of Genre” (2000)
Amy Devitt, “Teaching Critical Genre Awareness” (2009)
Anis Bawarshi, “The Genre Function” (2000)
Wai-chi Dimock, “Introduction- Genres as Fields of Knowledge” (2007)
John Frow, Genre (2006)
Lisa Maria Hogeland, Feminism and Its Fictions (1998)
Deanne Bogdan, Re-Educating the Imagination: Toward a Poetics, Politics, and Pedagogy of Literary Engagement (1992)